Saturday, February 24, 2007

khairul aza's blog

aku respect brother khairul aza, a leader from smart naco

yg mempunyai idea kreatif mempromosi barangan dan juga mencari prospek via internet

he is an example of an ex-engineer yg dah berhenti kerja dan do fulltime MLM or newtwork marketing

so what about u??


aku sedang belajar seharian utk publish website sendiri

zaman sekarang kena ada website sendiri utk pasarkan barangan dan juga mendapat rangkaian perniagaan di seluruh dunia

masuk forums, iklan online - macam2 cara la

dulu tahun 1996-1997 aku hanya ada akaun di geocities, free tapi geocities dah out dated

now i refer to irfan khairi weblog dia ni sifu yg kita boleh ikuti...jutawan muda

i belief in the internet , the future getway to reach your friends and customers

ni skills baru kena belajar (kata robert. t. kiyosaki

old blog

google and this blog owner has changed recently and as a result i pun hilang password dia

so this is my old blog

and this one is another website of mine

please drop me a comment!

thank you
assalamu'alaikum/salam sejahtera
